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Información sobre: Recursos Humanos en Lisboa

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Empresa buscando Recursos Humanos

Lisboa, Portugal
Sobre la oferta de: Recursos Humanos
Descripción de la invitación

Apoio ao payroll; Actualização da base de dados dos colaboradores; Apoio ao recrutamento e selecção; Trabalho administrativo inerente à função.

Descripción del candidato

Licenciatura nas áreas das ciências sociais e do comportamento; Auto-confiança; Resistência ao stress; Capacidade de iniciativa; Facilidade de relacionamento interpessoal; Eficácia Comunicacional; Nível de Inglês B2 ou superior; Compreensão interpessoal. MetLife Europe d.a.c. – Sucursal em Portugal and MetLife Europe d.a.c. Sucursal en España are the entities responsible for the treatment of personal data for this initiative, and act in the strict compliance of Portuguese Data Protection Law (Law no. 67/98, of October 26th) and Spanish Data Protection Law (Law 15/99 de 13 de diciembre), as well as applicable national and European legislation. The user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, correction and erasure in relation to his personal data, and may do so by personal contact, by writing to MetLife Europe d.a.c. – Sucursal em Portugal office in Portugal, Av. da Liberdade, 36, 4.º floor, 1269-047 Lisbon, or by e-mail to or by writing to MetLife Europe d.a.c. Sucursal en España office in Madrid, Av. Toreros, 3, 28028, Madrid or by e-mail to Alumni Global Search S.L. (beWanted) is acting, in regards to data privacy purposes, as a subcontractor for MetLife in this initiative and will act accordingly to its instructions.

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